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“Un-paused Souls”

Think of the future

Live through the past

A message sent bravely

Received at last


Mated and souled

Forever and a day

Secret worded messages

There’s always more to say


Complex relations

Rip through the tide

Brain to brain contact

In each other they confide


Searching for forever

If only through the mind

This legacy will continue on

If their connection can be solidified


Can’t disclose the meanings

But can’t deny the truth

The search for a greater understanding

Requires that every angle be used


Presentations made to others

But for themselves there is no need

Their true words are so plentiful

And not a single one is grounded in deceit


Their words are undeniably intangible

But their electric souls give them pause

But they need not touch to be in touch

But a simple word is more than enough


Ask for more and you may get more

But is that what you really want

Separation oft leads to desperation

At which point deeds cannot be undone

error: Copyright 2022 Christopher Little. All rights reserved.